Replacement Reactions of Halogens


  • Methylene chloride is toxic.
  • Chlorine water and bromine water are corrosive and toxic.

Chemicals and Solutions

  • 0.1M KCl
  • 0.1M KBr
  • 0.1M KI
  • Chlorine water
  • Bromine water
  • Iodine water
  • Methylene chloride


  • Three ringstands
  • Six 250 mL separatory funnels with stoppers
  • Six rings


Perform the following reactions in the separatory funnels, and extract each reaction mixture with methylene chloride in order to see the characteristic color of the halogen.

\( \ce{ Cl2_{(g)} + 2Br-_{(aq)} -> Br2_{(g)} + 2Cl- } \)

\( \ce{ Cl2_{(g)} + 2I-_{(aq)} -> I2_{(g)} + 2Cl- } \)

\( \ce{ Br2_{(g)} + 2I-_{(aq)} -> I2_{(g)} + 2Br- } \)

\( \ce{ Br2_{(g)} + 2Cl-_{(aq)} -> no reaction } \)

\( \ce{ I2_{(g)} + 2Br-_{(aq)} -> no reaction } \)

\( \ce{ I2_{(g)} + 2Cl-_{(aq)} -> no reaction } \)