Safety Orientation for New Employees

The Department of Chemistry Safety Officer performs a New Employee Orientation routinely (as needed). The orientation is performed for all new employees, including those that are permanent, temporary, or part-time, as required by the University. A roster of attendees is maintained by the Department.

Departmental Training Guide for Chemistry Personnel

Departmental Training Guide for Student Employees

New Health and Safety Orientation

Policy and Procedure Signature Form

Department Policies and Procedures

The department policies and procedures include proper ways to ship chemicals and hazardous materials, perform a lab cleanup and check out, and how to use the chemical inventory.

Building Overviews

During this training a building overview will be provided. Floor plans will be reviewed to identify the location of emergency exits, fire alarm pull stations, fire extinguishers, and first aid kits. 

Emergency Operations

The departmental emergency operations plan will be reviewed during this orientation.  This plan will acquaint the employee with emergency evacuation procedures.

Department Reporting Process

Accident, incidents, near misses, motor vehicle accidents, and any unsafe conditions reporting procedures will be reviewed by senior staff and EH&S via the OARS reporting tool. The reporting may include notifying a supervisor, a group safety officer, the department Safety Officer, the campus police, and/or Environmental Health and Safety personnel.  The reporting may also include filing a report with State Department of Labor and Industries.

Laboratory Safety Information

All new or visiting faculty, researchers, graduate students, and staff working in shops, stockrooms, and laboratories will receive a link to "Safety in Academic Chemistry Laboratories" for information on laboratory safety during the Employee Orientation.  These new employees will also receive some information regarding the use and care of personal protective equipment they may be required to use in laboratory. 

New Employee Training

The University of Washington and the Department of Chemistry requires that all employees complete Violence Prevention & Response Training (through UW Safe Campus) and the Addressing Discrimination & Harassment (formerly Prevention of Sexual Harassment) (through UW HR). 

Safety Training

The Department of Chemistry requires that all employees working in laboratories must complete six training courses offered by EH&S.  They are: 

When a key to a laboratory is requested, Department staff will provide training registration information to the faculty, researcher, student, or employee for the training sessions listed above.  New graduate students will attend equivalent training for Managing Lab Chemicals and Spills Clean-up, Compressed Gas Safety Training , and Fire Extinguisher Training during the orientation session(s) held one week prior to the start of Autumn Quarter.  Equivalent training is acceptable with prior approval by the department Health & Safety Officer.  Safety training records are maintained by the Department Safety Officer.

 Job specific safety training, like Safe Driving Practices or Back/Lifting Safety, will be required of an employee when applicable.

First Aid Training

The Department of Chemistry requires that all department supervisors, employees who work in laboratories, and employees who supervise undergraduate laboratories maintain a First Aid and CPR certification.  Blood borne pathogen (BBP) training will be provided as part of the First Aid and CPR certification; employees who are likely to deal with any blood emergency will also maintain the annual BBP certification.  Training records are maintained by the Department Safety Officer.  Notices are sent out when re-certification is required.  First Aid/CPR/BBP training is offered by the Department annually. 

Hazard Communication

The employee will be educated as to the presence of any hazardous materials used or stored in their work area.  For staff whose only chemical exposures are in an office environment, a copy of the brochure “UW Hazard Communication for Office and Computer Products” will be provided.  Any appropriate protection measures will be described.  The MSDS will be explained if necessary.  For laboratory staff, any training in addition to the sessions listed above will be described during the orientation; this training will (most likely) be provided by the principal investigator, the laboratory supervisor, or the safety coordinator of the laboratory where the new employee will be working.
