Resources for Teaching Remotely
The Committee for Remote Teaching & Learning of the University of Washington Department of Chemistry has created a set of guides and curated some resources on the subject of remote teaching. Access is limited to chemistry faculty, staff, and teaching assistants.
Center for Learning and Undergraduate Enrichment (CLUE)
Free tutoring by undergraduate peers. (2020 Update: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CLUE is offering online tutoring.)
Center for Teaching and Learning
The Center for Teaching and Learning is dedicated to supporting the UW teaching community. Its services are grounded in research, draw on established pedagogical approaches, promote innovation, and are deeply collaborative in nature.
Chemistry Department Study Centers
The Chemistry Department General Chemistry Study Center (BAG 330) and Organic Chemistry Study Center (BAG 331) contain computers, reference materials, and study space for students. Teaching assistants or faculty may use these spaces for office hours and students may use the space to meet up for study groups. (2020 Update: See the web pages for updated information about availability due to the pandemic.)
Chemistry Education Group (CEG)
The Chemistry Education Group (CEG) promotes challenging, student-centered, and inclusive learning opportunities in our courses and develops teaching interventions for classes of 60 to 600. They are committed to investigating the prevalence of gender, racial/ethnic, and socioeconomic opportunity gaps in our foundational coursework in order to implement methods of redress.
Instructional Center
The Instructional Center, run by the Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity, has a mission to promote the academic achievement, retention and successful graduation of under-represented minority, first-generation college and economically disadvantaged students and to improve their chances of gaining admission to graduate and professional schools. They provide tutoring, mentoring, and other services. (2020 Update: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Instructional Center is offering online services and activities.)
Instructor Information
Information for instructors about the chemistry department.
Space Scout
A web page with an interface showing spaces available on campus for studying. (2020 Update: Space Scout is not active due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)
UW Information Technology
UW IT has a collection of popular technology tools for teaching and learning and offers training in their use. This includes UW IT resources for instructors and teaching assistants as well as resources for students.