Congratulations to Professor Julie Kovacs, who was elected by her peers to serve as Chair of the American Chemical Society’s Division of Inorganic Chemistry. Professor Kovacs has previously served the ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry as an Executive Committee Member-at-Large and as Chair of the Bioinorganic Subdivision.
Election as Chair of the ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry involves a three-year commitment, which includes a one-year term as each of Chair-Elect, Chair, and Past-Chair. Professor Kovacs began her term as Chair-Elect in 2019. The duties of the Chair-Elect are wide-ranging, and include the formulation of symposia programs at the annual fall and spring national meetings, and to plan national meeting divisional activities for their upcoming year as Chair; an overview of the Chair-Elect’s duties is described in ACS DIC officers’ handbook.
For more information about Professor Kovacs and her research, please visit her faculty page and research group website.