Charles Campbell named Chinese Chemical Society Honorary Fellow

Submitted by Diana Knight on

The Chinese Chemical Society grants membership as an Honorary Fellow only to the most distinguished chemists, and Charles Campbell is now one of sixty Honorary Fellows.

Professor Campbell, who is the B. Seymour Rabinovitch Endowed Chair in Chemistry, was selected for this prestigious group at the recommendation of the Catalysis Commission of the Chinese Chemical Society (CCS), and election by the entire CCS Standing Board of 43 members to recognize his “international academic achievements and reputation.”

A letter from the society indicates this election as “a lifetime appointment” for which the worldwide “number of Honorary Fellows is limited to 100 individuals,” and “the highest honor that the Society bestows.” It granted to chemists who have made significant contributions to the advancement of chemistry, as well as to the development of chemistry in China and the Society.

The Campbell research group pursues basic experimental research concerning environmental and energy-related catalysis, interfaces in solar cells and microelectronics, and array-based biochemical analyses.

More about the Chinese Chemical Society which was founded in 1932 and has a current membership of more than 70,000 individuals can be found here.
