Prizes for Thesis and Research

Submitted by Michaela Priszner on
Camille Jackson
Bofei Wang

Lloyd E. and Florence M. West Prize for Best Thesis & Prize for Excellence in Research

These awards recognize master’s program research and carry a $500 prize. They were funded by the Lloyd E. and Florence M. West Fellowship in Chemistry which Dr. West and his wife Florence endowed to give back to the university where Dr. West cultivated the necessary tools for his distinguished career and rewarding life. Dr. West completed his Ph.D. in 1939 under the direction of Professor Rex Robinson, and it is in Professor Robinson's memory that the Wests dedicated their fellowship.

Lloyd E. and Florence M. West Prize for Best Thesis

Camille Jackson earned her master’s in applied chemical science and technology in March 2023. Her work in the group of Assistant Professor Alexandra Velian kickstarted a new and important project to activate small molecules at the interface between a surface and a molecule. Camille completed her thesis “Investigating the surface reactivity of black phosphorus” during the Winter Quarter of 2023.

Lloyd E. and Florence M. West Prize for Excellence in Research

Bofei Wang has demonstrated Excellence in Research in the group of Professor Gojko Lalic. He completed his thesis “Regio and diastereoselective synthesis of allylic amine through hydrocupration of terminal alkynes” during the spring quarter and will continue his research during the summer. Bofei plans to further his education and pursue a Ph.D.

