Services and Support for Students

You can find a comprehensive list of services for students at the following link.
Services for students.

Below you will find highlighted services and links for student support
Mental and Physical Health
Academic Support
Financial Insecurity
Legal Resources

Veteran Support

Mental and Physical Health
Husky Health & Well-Being: a one-stop portal for many different resources related to peer health advocacy, safety, recreational classes, counseling services, and medical care.   

Counseling Center:
offers multiple options for students seeking help coping with stress and mental health concerns.  | 206.543.1240

Hall Health
: offers a wide range of medical and mental health services. |  206.543.5030   |

a safe place to anonymously discuss safety and well-being concerns for yourself and others. They answer calls and emails Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., excluding UW holidays. Review their after-hours resources here  | 206.685.7233 |

Crisis Connections:
if you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis and needs urgent help, we are here for you. They are available 24/7. | 1.866.427.4747

Crisis Text Line: if you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis and are more comfortable with text rather than speaking with someone. They are available 24/7.
Text HOME to 74174

Alcohol Rehab Guide:
offers available treatment options that will help you recover from alcoholism and get back to living a healthy

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Academic Support

Disability Resources for Students: serves students with temporary or permanent physical, health, learning, sensory or psychological disabilities. DRS partners with students and faculty to establish accommodations, services and access to academic programs.  | 206.543.8924 (voice and relay) |

The Resilience Lab: research-based courses and workshops around resilience development normalizing failure and acknowledging the wide range of hardships all of us face. 

Academic Success Coach: if you are not sure why you’re struggling to meet academic goals, the Success Coach can help identify and overcome challenges to create a foundation for success in college.

Academic Support Programs: You can use this site as a portal to all of ASP’s services, including tutoring and coaching, as well as connections to other academic support programs across campus

Chemistry Study Center: There are computers and reference materials provided to support you in your organic chemistry course. TAs for Organic Chemistry hold office hours in the Study Center

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Financial Insecurity

UW Emergency Aid: assists students who are experiencing unexpected financial hardships that may disrupt their education or prevent them from earning their UW degree.

Short Term Loans:
The Office of Student Financial Aid has short term loan funds available to students who are experiencing temporary cash flow issues. | 206.543.6101 |

Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards:
supports UW undergraduate students in developing the skills and personal insights necessary to pursue scholarships appropriate to their goals. | 206.543.4282 |

The UW Food Pantry:
food assistance to students, staff, and faculty who for whatever reason are having a hard time with food access. | Poplar Hall 210 |

Any Hungry Husky: resources for students grappling with food insecurity

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Legal Resources

Student Legal Services: confidential legal advice and representation to students. | 206.543.6486 |

Office of the Ombud: helps individual members of the University community explore and assert their rights and interests within the University and improve the fairness and effectiveness of the University’s systems and operations.  | 206.543.6028 |

Title IX Coordinator: if you wish to raise a complaint or have questions about Title IX compliance and/or if you are experiencing discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender expression, pregnant or parenting status, and LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) identity.  | 206.221.7932 |

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Veteran Support

The Student Veteran Benefits: office manages benefits and payments for veterans and dependents. |

The Student Veteran Life Office: an on-campus office, located in the HUB, that was created and is run by veterans for veterans. |  206.221.0830    

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