Academic Policy: Teaching Evaluation

EVALUATION: Assessment of the teaching effectiveness of Assistant Professors.

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR QUALIFICATION: As stated in the Faculty Code, an Assistant Professor must demonstrate success as a teacher to qualify for tenured appointment. To prepare a recommendation to the chemistry faculty on this question, the Personnel Committee of the Department of Chemistry will review evidence such as the following:

COURSE EVALUATION: As mandated by the College of Arts and Sciences Handbook for Chairs, Assistant Professors will provide a student course evaluation, using forms developed by the Department or the Educational Assessment Center for at least one course taught during each academic year. The student evaluation will include the results of the numerical rankings and the student opinion surveys.

COLLEGIAL EVALUATION is conducted for each Assistant Professor at least once per academic year.


  1. The Personnel Committee may consider making arrangements with the candidate to visit two to four of his/her class sessions for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of the class presentations and to offer suggestions for improvement, if appropriate.
  2. The Personnel Committee may choose to invite all associate and full professors to report their impressions of the candidate's teaching effectiveness, along with supporting evidence.
  3. The Personnel Committee will consider the desirability of submitting to students a questionnaire on the teaching effectiveness of the candidate.
  4. The candidate may offer any additional evidence that may be useful in the evaluation.
  5. A written summary of the Committee's findings will be submitted to the Department Chair.