X-Ray Lab Software


WinXMorph is a program for Windows 2000 or later, with which realistic still or animated crystal shapes (morphologies) are created from crystallographic data (metric, (hkl) - Miller indices and central distances) as input and *.wrl (VRML V2.0 utf8) files as output, that can be inserted on webpages.


  • Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP/7/8/10 (2000/NT/XP/7/8/10 recommended), high-color capable video card 10MB disk space
  • Download free WinXMorph here (3.69 MB)

About WinXMorph and the Author

Author of the program and this text is Werner Kaminsky . He has a research faculty position in the Department for Chemistry of the University of Washington, Seattle in Washington, USA. Half of the time is now spent solving X-ray structures for the Department. The other half is dedicated to research and on rare occasions to projects like this: writing programs mainly for educational use.

"This Program was started during my vacation over the holidays in Cologne, Germany, winter 2003/2004. As such, it did not waste salary or other funding while working on this program and I want to share my pleasure of writing and using WinXMorph with members of educational institutions and friends of crystal in generals."

"My reason of writing a program to generate *.wrl files of crystal morphologies is simple: there are almost no such files on the internet (August.2004). This will most likely change soon, and the beauty of crystal shapes will, so I hope, attract many."

VRML Browser Plugin

If you are running the Internet Explorer on a PC with Microsoft Windows, this page will try to install a VRML browser automatically. A diamond should appear on the right.

If your system and browser are different, try the following links to install the Cortona VRML Client: