Degrees Awarded Autumn 2020-Spring 2021

Submitted by Diana Knight on

Autumn 2020 doctoral degrees
Winter 2021 doctoral degrees
Spring 2021 doctoral degrees
Master's Degrees in Applied Chemical Science and Technology


The total degrees awarded in each quarter is noted in parentheses. Totals may not match the number of listed names, as some students decline publishing their names.

AUTUMN 2020 (8)

Amrita Basu, PhD Chemistry
Stimuli responsive polymers in direct-ink-write additive manufacturing
(Associate Professor Alshakim Nelson)

Maksym A. Dedushko, PhD Chemistry
Insight into Dioxygen Bond Activation and Formation by Small Biomimetic Complexes
(Professor Julia A. Kovacs)

Benjamin Figueroa, PhD Chemistry
Advancements in Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy
(Assistant Professor Dan Fu)

Andrew T. Francis, PhD Chemistry
Developing Analytical Nonlinear Microscopy Techniques to Study Biomedical Systems
(Assistant Professor Dan Fu)

Meagan M. Gadzuk-Shea, PhD Chemistry
Insights to the Relationship Between the Condensed Phase and the Gas Phase Structure of Proteins from Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Measurements
(Associate Professor Matthew Bush)

Rachel Nicole Gebhart, PhD Chemistry
Exploration of Small Peptide Binding Interactions with Inorganic Surfaces Across Timescales
(Professor Gary Drobny)

Harrison Goldwyn, PhD Chemistry
Modeling the diffraction-limited images of interacting emitters and plasmonic nanoantennas
(Professor David Masiello)

Derek C. Obenschain, PhD Chemistry
Alkene Amination Reactions Enabled by Organoselenium Catalysis
(Associate Professor Forrest Michael)

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WINTER 2021 (5)

Megan Kelley Armstrong, PhD Chemistry
New Transformations in the Transition-Metal Catalyzed Hydrofunctionalization of Alkynes
(Professor Gojko Lalic)

Samuel T. Barlow, PhD Chemistry
New Electroanalytical Tools for Exocytosis: From Single Cells Toward Single Vesicles
(Professor Bo Zhang)

Yun Liu, PhD Chemistry
Spectroscopic Study of Charge-Transfer States in Organic Semiconductors
(Professor David S. Ginger Jr)

Chaau Yan (Penny) Poon, PhD Chemistry
Dioxygen Activation by Thiolate Ligated Complexes with Tunable pi-Acceptor N-Heterocyclic Ligands
(Professor Julia A. Kovacs)

Ryan T. Shafranek, PhD Chemistry
Designing Polymer Hydrogels for Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing
(Associate Professor Alshakim Nelson)

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SPRING 2021 (12)

Jacob Anthony Busche, PhD Chemistry
Next-Generation Nanospectroscopy: Analytical and NumericalModels of New Developments in Electron Beam and ScanningProbe Experiments
(Professor David Masiello)

Xiaomei Ding, PhD Chemistry
Design and Synthesis of New Organic Semiconductors for Organic Solar Cells
(Professor Samson Jenekhe)

Christian Soren Erickson, PhD Chemistry
Exploring the Photophysics of Magnetically Doped Semiconductor Nanocrystals
(Professor Daniel Gamelin)

Madison Goodstein, PhD Chemistry
New Approaches for the Synthesis of Alkenes
(Professor Gojko Lalic)

Kathryn N. Guye, PhD Chemistry
Optical Characterization of Bio-Inspired Functional Materials, Metal Nanoparticles, and Their Composites
(Professor David S. Ginger Jr)

Shu Rong (Wing) Huang, PhD Chemistry
Ion Spectroscopy Studies of DNA Cation Radicals Generated from Electron Transfer and Collision-Induced Dissociations
(Professor František Tureček)

Erin E. Jedlicka, PhD Chemistry
Structural Characterization of Photovoltaic Nanocrystals, Single Crystals, and Thin Film Semiconductors.
(Professor David S. Ginger Jr)

Chenyi Mao, PhD Chemistry
Simple yet versatile fluorescent labeling methods for advanced microscopy techniques
(Associate Professor Joshua Vaughan)

Jesse Luke Prelesnik, PhD Chemistry
Interfacial Phenomena and Specific Ion Effects via the Molecular Dynamics Framework
(Professor W. James Pfaendtner)

Torin Fields Stetina, PhD Chemistry
Advancing Quantum Chemistry Simulations with Relativistic Electronic Structure and Quantum Computation
(Professor Xiaosong Li)

Wei Pin Teh, PhD Chemistry
The Development of Selenium Catalyzed C-H Allylic Aminations and Palladium Catalyzed Aziridine Cross Coupling
(Associate Professor Forrest Michael)

Andrew Peter Wildman, PhD Chemistry
Modeling ab initio quantum dynamics in complex systems through multi-scale embedding
(Professor Xiaosong Li)

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Inaugural Cohort 2020-21

Yasameen Dhafer Al-Kahachi, MS
Nafisa A. Ali, MS
Allyson Jane Bakan, MS
Emily Catherine Giedraitis, MS
Bradley Michael Jarvis, MS
Connor Steven Juhl, MS
Young Woo Kim, MS
Vy Chau Thao Le, MS
Olesya Martynova, MS
Riley Douglas Rogan, MS

Note: Other students from this cohort are continuing on into academic year 2021-22 to complete a master’s degree with thesis.
