Next Steps

Submitted by Diana Knight on
Photo by Tamas Tuzes-Katai on Unsplash

What will our recent graduates be doing when they leave the UW? We look forward to expanding this page quarter by quarter!

Content will be added to this page as students graduate, so check back periodically! Last update: 7/1/2024

Rahoul Banerjee Ghosh (B.S. 2024) is headed to the University of California, Berkeley, to join the Chemistry Ph.D. program, studying theoretical and computational chemistry.

Caitlin Cain (Ph.D. 2024) is an NIH-NRSA postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan, developing novel analytical and computational tools to study neurochemical dynamics in Professor Robert Kennedy's group.

Yong Yang Luis Chan (B.S. 2024) has confirmed his enrollment at Yale University to begin graduate school this autumn, after also receiving admission offers from Columbia, Cornell, Carnegie Mellon and Georgia Tech for M.S. programs in computational biology and bioinformatics.

May Constabel (M.S. 2024) moved to the Netherlands with her bicycles to pursue the Ph.D. at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, funded through the MS-SPIDoc's doctoral network. It is one of ten PhD positions in the network across Europe. May will study protein-drug interactions through native mass spectrometry-based approaches.

Takaye Farmer (M.S. 2024) is a patient care coordinator at Erickson Laboratories in Seattle, providing custom ocular prostheses.

Kristina Herman (Ph.D. 2024) started postdoctoral research with Professor Greg Voth at the University of Chicago, developing multiscale theoretical models of HIV budding and maturation processes.

Micaela Homer (Ph.D. 2024) is now an electrochemistry with Sora Fuel, a startup aiming “to produce e-fuels from carbon directly captured from the air, in a closed-loop system reliant only on water and electricity.”

Chad Hoyer, Ph.D., who was a postdoctoral researcher with Xiaosong Li, is looking forward to championing first-gen students as an assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at University of Texas at El Paso.

Luke Peterson (B.S. 2024) plans to work in industry for a few years before pursuing the Ph.D. in a field of interest.

Laura Reed (B.S. 2024) will be attending graduate school at Northwestern University as an NSF Graduate Research Program Fellow.

Sarah Stucky (B.S. 2023) was accepted to Cornell Medical School with a scholarship offer! Sarah will be moving to New York City in August 2024 since the Cornell medical campus is in Manhattan. Since graduation, Sarah has been working in research at the Harborview Emergency Department.

Lily Von Feldt (B.A. 2023) will be pursuing a master’s in chemical engineering at Purdue University starting in autumn 2024.

Zhehua Christopher Wang (B.A. 2024) is proud to be in the UW PharmD Class of 2028!

Sarah Zeitler (Ph.D. 2024) will be an assistant professor of chemistry at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo!

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We’ll publish brief updates to share your whereabouts and doings with the broader UW Chemistry community. Notable or substantial news can be published as its own story with the help of chemistry student science writers.


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See also Next Steps from 2022-2023.
See also Alumni Updates from 2024.
See also Alumni Updates from 2023.

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