HPC Clusters
The department maintains two high performance compute clusters, both running the Rocks 6.0 linux cluster system based CentOS 6.3. Users submit batch jobs through the Grid Engine batch-queuing system. The Bonanza Cluster hosts 110 quadcore CPUs (440 cores) with a total of 1136 Gbs of memory. The Stuart Cluster has 340 compute cores and 1TB of RAM. Contact support@chem.washington.edu for assistance with accessing the department's HPC resources.
Computer Labs
Two STF funded, general purpose computer labs are located on the 3rd floor of Bagley Hall. Computers are equipped with Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office software as well as specialized math and chemistry software, including Mathematica, MATLAB, ChemDraw and programs for processing NMR data. The Chemistry Study Center computer lab in Bagley room 330 provides 28 computers with open access to all UW students. The computer lab in Bagley 331, also known as the Organic Study Center, contains 11 similarly configured computers, but with additional licensed software and configuration to support data analysis for chemistry labs. Graduate students may request keys for access to the computer labs after hours in the front office.