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Fields of Interest
The Reed Lab studies the synthesis and properties of functional materials to be used to understand emergent physical phenomena or in applications such as advanced electronic devices or environmental remediation. We combine aspects of inorganic, organic, and nanomaterials chemistry to make hybrid materials with well-defined structural, electronic, and magnetic properties on the nanoscale. Students will develop skills in materials synthesis and utilize physical methods to understand these materials, including diffraction, gas sorption, spectroscopy, magnetometry, and device preparation techniques.
Prior to the University of Washington, Doug earned his Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley with Professor Jeff Long. There, he synthesized new metal–organic frameworks capable of small molecule activation, selective gas binding, and adsorbate-induced phase changes, which resulted in energetically efficient materials relevant for industrial processes. He then pursued a postdoc at Columbia University with Professors Colin Nuckolls and Xavier Roy. He designed methods to create structural diversity in a series of atomically precise hybrid clusters, and studied their applications as nodes in single-molecule quantum devices.