Clean Energy

Clean Energy

UW Chemistry is home to a world-class Clean Energy research community. UW faculty, students, and postdocs are actively developing concepts for low-cost photovoltaics based on hybrid perovskite, organic, and quantum-dot materials, solar water splitting and fuels generation, biofuels, energy efficient chemical transformations, efficient catalysts to lower energy use and reduce pollution, advanced rechargeable batteries, fuel cells, and new materials for energy efficient lighting and computing. Our Chemistry faculty are members of multiple research centers on campus that provide training opportunities for students across disciplines and institutions in the clean energy sphere. Notable examples are the UW Clean Energy Institute (CEI) and the UW Molecular Engineering and Materials Center (MEM-C). Among our primary goals, we aim to create the tools to enable future clean energy technologies and train the next-generation of scientists, engineers, and policy professionals to rapidly deploy them.

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Related Faculty

Emeritus, Adjunct, and Affiliate Faculty in This Area

Charles T. Campbell, Professor Emeritus, B. Seymour Rabinovitch Endowed Chair in Chemistry
James J. De Yoreo, Affiliate Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science & Engineering
Sotiris S. Xantheas, Affiliate Professor