Our Initiatives & Partners
Spearheading Collaboration
Our department provides a vibrant community for scientific collaboration. We are home to world-class major research centers and play a key role in numerous campus initiatives which support fellowships, travel awards, unique research facilities, broader educational opportunities, and professional development activities. Learn more
Centers & Institutes
- Center for Integration of Modern Optoelectronic Materials on Demand (IMOD)
- Clean Energy Institute (CEI)
- Institute for Nano-Engineered Systems (NanoES)
- Institute for Protein Design (IPD)
- Molecular Engineering Materials Center (UW MEM-C)
- Molecular Engineering & Sciences Institute
- Northwest Institute for Materials Physics, Chemistry, and Technology (NW IMPACT)
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- South Asia International Center of Excellence for Malaria Research (South Asia ICEMR)
- Washington Clean Energy Testbeds