NOTE: The following are the deadlines the Department of Chemistry requires for those students starting graduate study in Autumn Quarter. Extenuating circumstances brought to the attention of the Graduate Good Standing Committee in a timely manner sometimes result in an extension. Students entering in Winter or Spring quarters will be given deadlines appropriate to their start date.
For complete details on deadlines and other aspects of the Department’s requirements, please see the Elements of Good Academic Standing.
First Year
Incoming graduate students are required to attend a two-week Orientation in September. All activities of the Department of Chemistry Orientation are mandatory.
Lab/Advisor Selection
Incoming graduate students are expected to choose and be accepted into a research group by midterm of their second quarter of study (i.e., mid-February).
At least 18 graded credits of coursework must be completed as expeditiously as possible, and in most cases can be done in the first three academic quarters. In some cases this might not be possible, but the required graded credits must be completed before the Second-Year Exam is taken.
Second Year
Second-year Exam
Second-year graduate students typically complete the qualifying, or Second-Year Exam, by the end of Winter or Spring Quarter of their second year of study. A detailed information packet will be given at the beginning of the student’s second year of study.
Third Year
General Exam
Students are required to set up a formal supervisory committee at the beginning of their third year of study, in preparation for the General Examination.
The General, or Candidacy, Exam should be completed by the end of Spring Quarter of the third year of study.
Fourth Year +
Final Exam
Most students complete their doctoral research in five years or less. Occasionally, a student’s personal circumstances lead to a longer period of study. The Department encourages students to complete their research, take their Final Examination, and submit their dissertation by the end of their fifth year of study.