Download the Checklist of Deadlines for Final Defense. Read and follow the directions and information on the Checklist very carefully. This will make your progress through the paperwork much easier. Ask the Graduate Program Coordinator for assistance if you are unsure of any step in the process.
Basic Steps (see Checklist for full details)
- Determine a date for your Final Examination that is agreeable to all members of your committee.
- Reserve a conference room for the exam.
- Eight weeks prior to the exam date, submit the Selection of Reading Committee Members form to the Graduate Program Coordinator.
- Five weeks prior to the Exam date, submit a nearly final draft of your dissertation to your Reading Committee.
- Three weeks prior to the Exam date, schedule the exam online.
- Submit the Final Quarter Support form to the Graduate Program Coordinator.
- The Graduate Program Coordinator will receive an electronic copy of your warrant as soon as you schedule the exam online. The electronic form will be circulated to your committee via Docusign before the exam date. Signatures will be collected electronically. No paper forms are required to be signed or returned.
- Submit your dissertation meeting all Graduate School dissertation requirements.