Purchasing & Account Policy: Hosting Expense

I. Statement

It is the policy of the Department of Chemistry to reimburse reasonable and necessary meal expenses incurred in the performance of Department-related business while entertaining Department guests.

II. Definitions

  1. Meal Cost: the total bill divided by the number of people covered by the bill.
  2. Reasonable and Prudent: The Department defines “reasonable and prudent” meal costs to be as listed in the reimbursement table.
  3. Host(s): Department of Chemistry personnel--faculty, staff, or students.
  4. Department Guest(s): Person or persons visiting the Department of Chemistry at the invitation of an authorized host for a Department-sanctioned purpose (e.g., seminar speaker; faculty candidate).
  5. Rate: Percentage at which reimbursement is made.
  6. Max Reimbursement: The maximum dollar amount that the Department will reimburse a host (per person and per event).

III. Reimbursement

  1. Source of Funds: Meal expenses will be paid from a Department of Chemistry discretionary budget (64-xxxx) and reimbursed by the Chemistry Purchasing and Accounting Office.
  2. Reimbursement Request: A signed Reimbursement Request form must be submitted with original itemized receipts to the Chemistry Purchasing and Accounting office. Your reimbursement will be automatically deposited to the back account used for the direct deposit of your paycheck. If you prefer a check, please ask. The default is direct deposit.
  3. Number of Hosts: The number of hosts eligible for reimbursement per event varies dependent upon the type of event hosted. (See Reimbursement Table, “# Hosts” for event-specific limits.)
  4. Spouses/Additional Guests: The spouse/partner of the guest/speaker may be included in meals. The maximum reimbursement will increase proportionately. The spouse and/or guest(s) of the host(s) will not be reimbursed except as outlined in section IV. Special Circumstances.

IV. Special Circumstances

Exceptions for special circumstances must be requested and approved in advance by the Chair. The Department Chair may, at his or her discretion and in accordance with prudent and reasonable guidelines, increase the maximum reimbursement allowable for an event or make an exception for the spouses/partners/additional guests of the host. Special circumstances may include, for example, visits by Nobel Laureates or Department donors.

Reimbursement Table (effective November 16, 2021)

Department Guest Host # Hosts Max Reimbursement (person/event)
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
per person per event per person per event per person per event
Prospective graduate student Any 2 $15 $45 $20 $60 $36 $108
Divisional seminar speaker Student or post-doc 3 $20 $80 $25 $100 $65 $260
Faculty 3 $20 $80 $35 $140 $105 $420
Named Lecturer (includes colloquium speakers) Student or post-doc 4 $20 $100 $35 $175 $105 $525
Faculty 6 $35 $245 $35 $245 $105 $735
Faculty Candidate (1st visit) Student or post-doc 3 $20 $80 $35 $140 $105 $420
Faculty 3 $20 $80 $35 $140 $105 $420
Faculty Candidate (2nd visit) Student or post-doc 4 $20 $100 $35 $175 $105 $525
Faculty 6 $20 $140 $35 $245 $105 $735
Chair no max $35 no max $50 no max $105 no max