News Archive

Image Title Published
Headshot of Vlada Olkhovych
Student Experience: Vlada Olkhovych
UW Chemistry
Assistant Teaching Professor in Chemistry
Ben sailing on Lake Union.
Benjamin I. Poulter Defends Dissertation
James Baumann poses in the lab
James E. Baumann Defends Dissertation
Baccalaureates smile and wave at the audience at the departmental commencement celebration
The Impact of Your Support
Undergraduate Researcher Christine Wu works in the lab of Associate Professor Dan Fu with her graduate student research mentor, Robert Espinoza.
Donor supported undergraduate research
Close up shot of "UW Chemistry" embroidered in purple on a white lab coat
Updates to our Staff Roster
A researcher holds a vial of red liquid
Four Biochemistry and Chemistry Students among 2023-24 cohort of Levinson Emerging Scholars
Abby Burtner gives a sheepish thumbs up after accidentally boiling a protein gel which exploded causing blue dye to splatter all over the fume hood.
Student Experience: Abby Burtner
Varanasi snapshot
I am First-Generation: Usha Varanasi 
I am First-Generation: Brandi Cossairt
Nicholas Riley
Opinion: The day my supervisor won the Nobel prize in chemistry
Portrait of Chad Hoyer
I am First-Generation: Chad Hoyer
White and gold text on a purple background: November 8. Celebrate First Gen. National 1st-Generation College Celebration. Bothell, Seattle, Tacoma. W.
We are First-Generation: College of Arts & Sciences Faculty and Staff
Three people sit at a table with a "cabbage chemistry" demonstration.
InCS mentors, conducts outreach, creates community
White flowers and a lit votive candle to symbolize a memorial. Stock image provided by Microsoft.
In Memoriam
Doug Reed wearing glasses and a collared shirt
Meet Prof. Doug Reed
Two purple mylar balloons with white Ws
Wiegand and Campbell Retired; Each Appointed Professor Emeritus
UW Chemistry
Faculty Promotions: F. Michael and S. Robinson
Ice stands beside a projection screen displaying an illustration titled "PhD-mon: Team Rocket  Pikachus" depicting the research groups of Zalatan and Carothers as Pokemon.
Cholpisit Ice Kiattisewee Defends Dissertation
Charles Campbell
Campbell receives Somorjai Award for Creative Research in Catalysis
Dawg Daze Digest: Planetarium Shows, Art Tours, Trivia, Information Sessions and more!
Munira Khalil
From the Chair - Autumn 2023
Close up view of a black QWERTY computer keyboard.
Opinion: UW wasn’t wrong to charge students for online learning
Raiyan with his advisor Dr. Cossairt at his thesis defense
Mashroor Raiyan Defends Master's Thesis