Joshua C. Vaughan (he/him/his)

Portrait of Joshua Vaughan

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BAG 215
Accepting new graduate students


Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005
B.A., Reed College, 2000

Josh grew up in the San Francisco bay area and had an interest in science from an early age. He studied chemistry at Reed College in Portland, OR and earned a Ph.D. in physical chemistry at MIT where he worked in the lab of Keith Nelson on applications of adaptive optics to ultrafast spectroscopy. For his postdoctoral research in Xiaowei Zhuang's lab at Harvard he developed tools for super-resolution fluorescence microscopy and studied virus transport. His current interests include developing new tools to extract molecular detail from intact biological specimens and applying these tools to important biological questions. Outside of work, he enjoys music, sailing, and spoiling his two daughters.


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