B. Seymour Rabinovitch Endowed Chair in Chemistry Contact Information dginger@uw.edu 206-685-2331 BAG 202B Personal Website Accepting new graduate students Fields of Interest Analytical Chemistry Clean Energy Materials Physical Chemistry Biography Ph.D. Physics, University of Cambridge, 2001 Courses Taught Summer 2024CHEM 590 B: Seminar in General ChemistrySummer 2023CHEM 499 C: Undergraduate Research and Report WritingCHEM 590 A: Seminar in General ChemistryWinter 2023CHEM 595 A: Seminar in Physical ChemistryAutumn 2022CHEM 455 A: Physical ChemistrySpring 2022CHEM 455 A: Physical ChemistryWinter 2022CHEM 595 A: Seminar in Physical ChemistryAutumn 2021CHEM 145 A: Honors General ChemistrySpring 2021CHEM 455 A: Physical ChemistryCHEM 574 A: Current Research Topics in SpectroscopyWinter 2021CHEM 155 A: Honors General Chemistry Resources & Related Links UW Clean Energy Institute NW Impact Affiliations Home Department Chemistry Related News Related News Breaking Boundaries: IMOD's Collaborative Approach to Research and Talent Building (August 20, 2024) Scientists solve chemical mystery at the interface of biology and technology (May 1, 2024) CEI launches graduate certificate in Clean Energy Science, Engineering, and Society (January 23, 2024) Fellowships, Awards & Honors: Faculty, Staff & Postdocs (June 30, 2023) From the Chair - Summer 2022 (August 19, 2022) Zack Herbst wins Partner in Safety Award from UW EH&S (January 11, 2022) NSF to fund revolutionary center for optoelectronic, quantum technologies (September 9, 2021) Grad student ‘ambassadors’ offer free clean-energy lessons and DIY solar kits to K-12 students (May 28, 2020) Solar researchers across country join forces with industry to boost U.S. solar manufacturing (May 8, 2020) New DOE awards for Chemistry research to probe solar cell defects, develop energy-boosting coatings (June 24, 2019) David Ginger, Sotiris Xantheas elected to the Washington State Academy of Sciences (August 15, 2018) UW and PNNL launch NW IMPACT in joint pursuit of new materials (February 2, 2018) Recent work by David Ginger and coworkers published in Nature Materials (June 21, 2017) David Ginger receives 2017 Cottrell Scholars TREE Award (March 14, 2017)