
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Xu, L. T.; Dunning, T. H., Jr. The Nature of the Chemical Bond and the Role of non-Dynamical and Dynamical Correlation in Be2. J. Chem. Phys. 2020, 152, 214111. Publications, Articles
Caitlin E. Cornell, Alexander Mileant, Niket Thakkar, Kelly K. Lee, and Sarah L. Keller, 2020, Direct Imaging of Liquid Domains in Membranes by Cryo Electron Tomography, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 117:19713-19719. Publications, Articles
Rose, J. C.; Popp, N. A.; Richardson, C. D.; Stephany, J. J.; Mathieu, J.; Wei, C. T.; Corn, J. E.; ^Maly, D. J.; ^Fowler D. M. “Suppression of unwanted CRISPR/Cas9 editing by co-administration of catalytically inactivating truncated guide RNAs” Nat. Comm. 2020, 11, 2697. Publications, Articles
Canarie, E. R.; Jahn, S.; Stoll, S. Quantitative Structure-Based Prediction of Electron Spin Decoherence in Organic Radicals. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020, 11, 3396–3400 Publications, Articles
Sweger, S. R.; Pribitzer, S.; Stoll, S. Bayesian Probabilistic Analysis of DEER Spectroscopy Data Using Parametric Distance Distribution Models. J. Phys. Chem. A 2020, 124, 6193–6202 Publications, Articles
Evans, E. G. B.; Morgan, J. L. W.; DiMaio, F.; Zagotta, W. N.; Stoll, S. Allosteric conformational change of a cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel revealed by DEER spectroscopy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2020, 117, 10839–10847 Publications, Articles
Mao, C.; Lee, M. Y.; Jhan, J.-R.; Halpern, A. R.; Woodworth, M. A.; Glaser, A. K.; Chozinski, T. J.; Shin, L.; Pippin, J.W.; Shankland, S.J.; Liu, J. T. C.; Vaughan, J. C. Feature-Rich Covalent Stains for Super-Resolution and Cleared-Tissue Fluorescence Microscopy. Sci. Adv. 2020, 6, eaba4542. Publications, Articles
Fox, Z. W.; Blair, T. J.; Khalil, M.  Determining the Orientation and Vibronic Couplings between Electronic and Vibrational Coordinates with Polarization-Selective Two-Dimensional Vibrational-Electronic Spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020, 11 (4), 1558-1563. Publications, Articles
Potter, Z. E.; Lau, H-T; Chakraborty, S.; Fang, L.; Guttman, M.; Ong, S-E.; Fowler, D. M.; Maly, D. J. “Parallel Chemoselective Profiling for Mapping Protein Structure” Cell Chem. Biol. 2020, 27, 1084-1096. Publications, Articles
J. Sampath2, A. Kullman1, R. Gebhart, G. Drobny, J. Pfaendtner, “Molecular recognition and specificity of biomolecules to titanium dioxide from molecular dynamics simulations,” npj Comput. Mater. 2020, 6(34), DOI: 10.1038/s41524-020-0288-7 Publications, Articles
Blakely, M. N.; Dedushko, M.; Poon, P. C. Y.; Villar-Acevedo, G.; *Kovacs, J. A. “Formation of a Reactive, Alkyl Thiolate-Ligated FeIII-Superoxo Intermediate Derived from Dioxygen.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 1867-1870 Publications, Articles
Dedushko, M.; Schweitzer, D.; Blakely, M. N.; Swartz, R. D.; Kaminsky, W.; *Kovacs, J. A. “Geometric and Electronic Structure of a Crystallographically Characterized Thiolate-Ligated Binuclear Peroxo-Bridged Cobalt(III) Complex” J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 2019, 24, 919-926 Publications, Articles
Poon, P. C. Y.; Dedushko, M. A.; Sun, X.; Yang, G.; Toledo, S.; Hayes, E. C.; Johansen, A. L.; Piquette, M. C.; Rees, J. A.; Stoll, S.; *Rybak-Akimova, E.; *Kovacs, J. A. “How Metal Ion Lewis Acidity and Steric Properties Influence the Barrier to Dioxygen Binding, Peroxo O-O Bond Cleavage, and Reactivity.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 15046-15057 Publications, Articles
Hsu PL, Shi H, Leonen C, Kang J, Chatterjee C, Zheng N. Mol Cell. 2019, 76(5), 712-723. Publications
Nan Yang, Chinh H. Duong, Patrick J. Kelleher, Anne B. McCoy and Mark A. Johnson, “Deconstructing water’s diffuse OH stretching vibrational spectrum with cold clusters,” Science, 364, 275-278 (2019). Publications, Articles
Scott A. Chambers and Peter V. Sushko, “Probing Energy Landscapes in Multilayer Heterostructures: Challenges and Opportunities”, APL Mater. 7, 110904 (2019). Publications, Articles
Xu, L. T.; Thompson, J. V. K.; Dunning, T. H., Jr. Spin-Coupled Generalized Valence Bond Description of the Group 14 Species: The Carbon, Silicon and Germanium Hydrides, XHn (n = 1–4). J. Phys. Chem. A 2019, 123, 2401-2419. Publications, Articles
Caitlin E. Cornell, Roy A. Black, Mengjun Xue, Helen E. Litz, Andrew Ramsay, Moshe Gordon, Alexander Mileant, Zachary R. Cohen, James A. Williams, Kelly K. Lee, Gary P. Drobny, and Sarah L. Keller, 2019, Prebiotic amino acids bind to and stabilize prebiotic fatty acid membranes, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 116:17239-17244. Publications, Articles
Foight, G. W.; Wang, Z.; Wei, C. T.; Greisen, P. J.; Warner, K.; Cunningham-Bryant, D.; Park, K.; Brunette, T. J.; Sheffler, W.; Baker, D.; Maly, D. J. “Multi-input chemical control of protein dimerization for programming graded cellular responses” Nat. Biotech. 2019, 37, 1209-16. Publications, Articles
Fang, L.; Chakraborty, S.; Dieter, E. M.; Potter, Z. E.; Lombard, C. K.; Maly, D. J. “A Chemoproteomic Method for Profiling Inhibitor-Bound Kinase Complexes” J. Am Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 11912-11922. Publications, Articles
Feldman, H. C.; Vidadala, V. N.; Potter, Z. E.; Papa, F.R.; Backes, B. J.; Maly, D. J. “Development of a chemical toolset for studying the paralog-specific function of IRE1” ACS Chem. Biol. 2019, 14, 2595-605. Publications, Articles
Caitlin E. Cornell, Allison D. Skinkle, Shushan He, Ilya Levental, Kandice R. Levental, and Sarah L. Keller, 2018, Tuning length scales of small domains in cell-derived membranes and synthetic model membranes, Biophys. J., 115:690-701. Publications, Articles
Lin, D.; Gagnon, L. A.; Howard, M. D.; Halpern, A. R.; Vaughan, J. C. Extended-Depth 3D Super-Resolution Imaging Using Probe-Refresh STORM. Biophys. J. 2018, 114, 1980–1987. Publications, Articles
Scott P. Rayermann, Glennis E. Rayermann, Caitlin E. Cornell, Alexey J. Merz, and Sarah L. Keller, 2017, Hallmarks of reversible separation of living, unperturbed cell membranes into two liquid phases, Biophys. J., 113:2425-2432. Publications, Articles
Halpern, A. R.; Alas, G. C. M.; Chozinski, T. J.; #Paredez, A. R.; #Vaughan, J. C. Hybrid Structured Illumination Expansion Microscopy Reveals Microbial Cytoskeleton Organization. ACS Nano 2017, 11, 12677–12686. (#co-corresponding authors) Publications, Articles