Research Records
Permanent notebooks may be purchased in the Stockroom (Bagley 36) at the discretion of the research supervisor. These are the property of the supervisor. They may be released to the student only with the specific consent of the supervisor.
Publication approval must be obtained from the appropriate Department Chair for every scientific paper associated with the University that has no department faculty as author or co-author. The Department assumes no responsibility for publications dealing with subjects outside their respective fields of study. Scientific publications NOT authored by Chemistry Department Faculty and which reference the University of Washington, must have prior approval from the Department Chair (Bagley 109H, 3-1611).
Thesis Preparation
Thesis preparation is determined by the graduate advisor and the student. Thesis preparation costs are the responsibility of the student. Arrangements can be made with the graduate advisor for sharing the cost
Record Management and Storage
For information on storage of research and grant/contract records visit website