Administrative Services: General Information

The Administration section covers the following information: Departmental Office, Bagley Bulletin, Mail, Shipping, Email, Telephones, Keys, Paychecks, Parking Permits, Copy Machines, and Fax Machine.

General Department Contact Info

Department of Chemistry
Box 351700
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-1700
Phone: 206-543-1610
Fax: 206-685-8665

Department Chair: Munira Khalil (206-543-1611)
Associate Chair for Undergraduate Education: Forrest Michael (206-543-6519) 
Associate Chair for Graduate Education: Xiaosong Li (206-685-1804)
Administrator: Paul Miller (206-543-1612)

Building Coordinator

Kevin Soderlund (BAG 82B, 206-543-1616) is the Building Coordinator for:

  • Bagley Hall (BAG)
  • Chemistry Building (CHB)
  • Chemistry Library Building (CHL)

Departmental Office

The Chemistry departmental office, Bagley 109, is normally open from 8:00 a.m. to noon and from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. It is closed for lunch from noon to 1:00 p.m. Please consult this office for assistance on administrative matters. Official notices of the Department are posted on the bulletin boards inside and outside of the mailroom (Bagley 103).

Bagley Bulletin

Bulletins are published by the Department of Chemistry on Fridays to keep you aware of current news and events, including seminar schedules. The Bulletin is distributed by e-mail. Please submit copy for the Bulletin via e-mail to at least one day prior to publication.


Each Chemistry faculty, staff, research associate, and graduate student is assigned a mailbox in the Bagley 103 mail room. Campus and U.S. mail is collected in the mailroom at 8:30 a.m. and distributed daily, Monday through Friday. For outgoing campus mail that requires afternoon service, use the brown mailbox near the bus stop on W Stevens Way NE at Okanogan Lane NE; mail is picked up there on weekdays no earlier than 2:00 p.m. All outgoing USPS mail must have paid postage or barcode labels. Barcodes are ordered by the director of finance, 109 Bagley. Campus mail service is restricted to University-related business ONLY. Please do not use this mail service for your personal mail or ballots. As soon as you have a local address, please give it to your correspondents so that your mail will be delivered to your home. This applies particularly to journals, magazines, 3rd class mail, etc.


All packages, hazardous materials or otherwise, MUST be shipped by the Research Storeroom, BAG 036. Under no circumstance should you ship or transport a package before speaking with Lochlan Hickok, the Research Storeroom manager. Completion of a DOT training course is required by federal law before packaging hazardous materials. Storeroom staff have been trained and serve as our single control point for all departmental shipping. The U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration regulate the transport of hazardous materials very tightly, and failure to adhere to the federal policy can result in 6-figure fines. Furthermore, the DOT definition and a chemist’s definition of a hazardous material can be very different. Packages should be presented to the Storeroom prior to final closing/sealing to allow them to verify proper packaging. Storeroom staff will be responsible for obtaining the shipping labels and completing required paperwork.


E-mail is made available to University faculty and staff solely for the purpose of facilitating effective business operations. Regulations promulgated by the Washington State Executive Ethics Board place significant constraints on non-University related use. Under those regulations, employees may use University-provided e-mail for personal communications in a manner comparable to what is allowed for personal local use of University telephones.

During 2001, the State Executive Ethics Board clarified the permissible uses of e-mail and the internet given today’s work environment. Consistent with the newly amended rule on the use of state resources (WAC 292-110-010), faculty and staff may have limited personal use of computers, electronic mail and the internet, so long as that use:

  • Is of little or no cost to the state.
  • Is brief in duration, occurs infrequently, and is the most effective use of time and resources.
  • Does not interfere with the employee’s official duties.
  • Does not disrupt University business
  • Does not disrupt other employees or obligate them to make personal use of state resources.
  • Does not compromise the security or integrity of state property, information or software.

State laws continues to prohibit the use of University computers to access computer networks or other databases, including the internet and electronic mail, for personal business-related, commercial, campaign or political purposes, or to promote an outside business group or to conduct illegal activities. Additionally, employees are prohibited from allowing any member of the public to make personal use of state computers and computing resources. E-mail and other uses of University computers may constitute an Ethics violation if the use is political, commercial, or excessive. Examples of improper or excessive use are included in the FAQs maintained by the Executive Ethics Board.

It is important to recognize that while limited personal use of e-mail may not result in an Ethics violation; all e-mail messages – unlike telephone calls – are public records and are subject to public inspection under state public records law. If you have questions or concerns about this issue, please contact


Common campus telephone prefixes include: 897, 685, 616, 598, 543, 221. If you are dialing another office on campus, you need only dial the last 5 digits of the person’s phone number. If you are dialing outside of campus, you must dial 9, the area code and the 7-digit phone number.

Department Phones: Telephones are provided by the Department only for official business. Do NOT make personal, long-distance telephone calls from department telephones. To make an authorized long distance call to the U.S. and Canada, dial 9, the area code and phone number.

During business hours, incoming telephone messages received in the Chemistry Office will be transmitted by e-mail. Be assured that in case of real emergency, a message will be transmitted directly to you, if at all possible.

Emergency Phones: There are emergency phones in the east-west corridors on each floor of Bagley Hall and in the main corridors in CHB. Lift the phone and you are automatically connected with the Security Division.


See section Facilities & Research Policy: Building Keys.


University of Washington paychecks are available to Chemistry personnel from the Payroll Coordinator in Bagley 109Q after 11:00 a.m. on the 10th and 25th of the month, or during regular office hours on any other business day. You are strongly encouraged to set up direct deposit. If a payday falls on Saturday, you will be paid on the preceding Friday. If a payday falls on Sunday, you will be paid the following Monday. If a payday falls on a holiday, you will be paid the preceding workday.

Parking Permits

Parking permit applications are available at Transportation Services (1320 NE Campus Parkway). For more information visit

Building Use Permits (BUP)

Anyone who has building access must carry a Husky Card while in the building after hours. Husky Cards with building access are considered the equivalent of a building use permit. Husky Cards must be shown to University Police Officers when requested. If you are in the building after hours without building access on your Husky Card, you may be asked to leave the building and your keys will be confiscated. See the Key Custodian in BAG 109 to request a BUP if you do not have a Husky Card.

Copy Machines

For students, card-operated scan/copy stations are located in Allen and Suzzallo Libraries. For faculty, TA/RAs, and staff, photocopiers are located in Bagley 109N, 129, CHB 304L, and CHL 129. These copiers are for departmental use only. Please contact the P&A Office in BAG 109P to activate your Husky Card for card-operated access to the machines.

Fax Machine

A departmental fax machine (206.685.8665) located in the main office, Bagley 109, is provided for University-related business. Front office staff can assist, if required. During business hours, incoming fax messages will be emailed to you. See also Administrative Procedure: Fax Machine.
