Administrative Procedure: Room Reservations

Conference Rooms

Conference rooms may be reserved by faculty, staff, postdoctoral researchers or graduate students for meetings, seminars, or colloquia. Reservations are made by the Front Office in Bagley.


  • Bagley 109L
  • Bagley 319
  • Bagley 464
  • CHB 102
  • CHB 239
  • CHB 339
  • CHB 439
  • CHL 068B
  • CHL 134

Classrooms in Bagley Hall

Room Capacity
108 40
131 300
154 121
260 75
261 75
331A 25

CLASSROOM REQUESTS (e.g., for large review sessions). All requests for classrooms must be sent by the Department to a central UW office. Classroom requests must be submitted *at least three full weekdays* in advance of the date *by which you want to inform your students* in order to ensure that you will hear back in time. Classroom reservations are best made on the half-hour (e.g., 12:30-1:20 pm) so that they fit into the UW class schedule and minimize the potential number of conflicts, and any flexibility you can offer will help. Weekend reservations will be assigned in a different building, as Bagley is locked. Please submit requests for classrooms through Paul Isaac in UG Services or through the Front Office in Bagley 109. For details on each room, see the Bagley Classroom page.

Quiet Room

Benefits for UW personnel include a Quiet Room located in Bagley 468 that can be used as a Lactation Station/Mother's Room or prayer/meditation room. Individuals using the room must provide their own equipment and supplies. The room is equipped with a comfortable chair and a refrigerator. See Facilities Support for key card access.
