CHEM 237 A: Organic Chemistry

Spring 2023
TTh 11:00am - 12:20pm / BAG 131
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

Course Meeting Times


T/TH 11:00am - 12:20pm
BAG 131

Lectures are recorded via Panopto, and available as live streams (links in Course Schedule)

Attendance is not monitored in lecture and you only need to attend in person for the 3 midterms and the final exam. If you need to miss an exam for any reason, please submit a response to this absence form.

Discussion Sections

Wednesdays (times and locations per the UW Time Schedule)

Discussion sections are not recorded and in-person participation is expected. You are allowed to miss two discussion sections without penalty. If you need to miss discussion section for any reason, please submit a response to this absence form. 

Teaching Team

To contact us, see Course Communication or the Office Hours Information.


Dr. Samantha Robinson (she/her) |

Office: BAG 202D (above the front doors of Bagley Hall)

Teaching Assistants

Megan Phan (she/her) | Sections AE, AF | mphan731(AT)

Ramsess Quezada (he/them) | Sections AA, AB, AC, AD | rjquez(AT)

Textbook & Online Homework Access


      • Organic Chemistry, 7th edition (Loudon & Parise, Macmillan)
      • Study Guide & Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry, 7th edition (recommended, Loudon & Parise, Macmillan)
      • Achieve Online Homework (Macmillan)
      • Molecular Model Kit (recommended)
      • Non-graphing calculator

(More information is available on the Textbook Information Page)

Internet & Instructional Technology

      • Access to a computer or tablet

Need a device? Try Student Technology Loan Program funded by Student Technology Fees

Learning Objectives

Students who successfully complete CHEM 237 will be able to:

  • Describe the core physical and chemical principles that explain bonding in organic molecules

  •  Convert between names, two-dimensional representations, and three-dimensional structures of organic compounds

  •  Identify acids and bases using both the Lewis and Bronsted frameworks

  •  Use the Lewis acid-base framework to describe organic reactions using curved-arrow mechanisms and use those mechanisms to predict the specific results of those reactions

  •  Describe how the three-dimensional shape of organic molecules can lead to chirality and different conformations
  •  Predict the major product of organic reactions based on reactant structure and reaction conditions for alkene & alkyne reactions

See a more specific breakdown of objectives & skills per chapter in the Canvas site.

Course Components & Grading

The course consists of:

  • 2 recorded in-person class sessions per week - Recordings will be available in Panopto in Canvas
  • 1 in-person discussion section per week with a teaching assistant (sessions are not recorded)
  • Daily work in the Achieve online homework platform
  • In-person exams (3 midterms and 1 final exam) administered in BAG 131
  • Various participation assignments: exam reflections, reading assignments, etc.


The point distribution for the evaluative components of the course is as follows:




3 midterm exams (18% each, drop 1)



1 cumulative final exam





10 Discussion Sections (drop 2)



Auxiliary Participation Assignments

(Includes Active Reading Assignments, Surveys, and Exam Reflection Assignments)


Achieve Online Homework



9 Assignments (drop 1)




Some additional notes on grading:

  • The final median GPA in Chemistry 237 generally falls between 2.6-2.9. (Historically the class total average percent is ~75% at the end of the quarter)
  • It is the Chemistry Department’s policy not to make grade changes of 0.1 after final class grades are submitted to the UW Registrar.
  • Your scores for the various assignments and exams will be recorded using the online Gradebooks in Canvas.

Additional Resources in Canvas

Course Schedule (Topics, Reading Assignments, and Due Dates)

Course Objectives by Unit

Absences / Late Work Policies

Office Hours Schedule

Exam Information

Course Communication

Classroom Climate

Academic Ethics & Integrity

Access & Accommodations

Keys to Success & Help Resources

Catalyze Your Success Program Information

Catalog Description:
First course for students planning to take three quarters of organic chemistry. Introduction to physical properties, structure, nomenclature, and stereochemistry of organic compounds. Reactions of alkenes and alkynes. No organic laboratory accompanies this course. CHEM 237; CHEM 238; and CHEM 239 (or equivalents) must be completed in sequence. Course equivalent to: B CHEM 237. Course overlaps with: CHEM 220; CHEM 223; CHEM 257; and T CHEM 251. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in either CHEM 153, CHEM 162, or CHEM 165. Offered: AWSpS.
GE Requirements Met:
Natural Sciences (NSc)
Last updated:
March 9, 2025 - 1:23 pm