"If you never guess wrong, you're not guessing about hard enough things." - Jordan Ellenberg, Shape, 2021 (p. 418)
Course Meeting Times
M, W, F 1:30pm - 2:20pm
JHN 102
Lectures are recorded via Panopto, and the recordings will be available on Canvas (and as a live stream).
Attendance is not monitored in lecture and you only need to attend in person for the 3 midterms and the final exam. If you need to miss an exam for any reason, please submit a response to this absence form within 48 hours.
Discussion (Quiz) Sections
Tuesdays (times and locations per the UW Time Schedule)
Discussion sections are not recorded and in-person participation is expected. You are allowed to miss two discussion sections without penalty. If you need to miss discussion section for any reason, please submit a response to this absence form within 48 hours. There is no discussion section in Week 1 (January 2).
Teaching Team
Dr. Samantha Robinson (she/her) | sjconnel@uw.edu
Teaching Assistant
Bofei Wang
To contact the teaching team, see Communication in the Course or visit us in Office Hours.
Course Materials & Connectivity
Textbook & Online Homework Access
- Introductory Chemistry, 9th edition (Zumdahl/DeCoste, Cengage)
- ALEKS Online Homework
- Scientific (non-graphing) calculator
See Textbook & Materials Information for more guidance.
Internet & Instructional Technology
- Access to a computer or tablet
Need a device? Try Student Technology Loan Program funded by Student Technology Fees
- Daily online access
- Canvas (canvas.uw.edu)
- ALEKS Online Homework
- Gradescope (gradescope.com) (exam feedback)
- Daily online access
Learning Objectives
See a specific breakdown of objectives & skills per chapter in the Canvas site.
Course Components & Grading
The course consists of:
- 3 recorded in-person class sessions per week - Recordings will be available in Panopto in Canvas
- 1 in-person discussion section per week with a teaching assistant (sessions are not recorded)
- Daily work in the ALEKS online homework platform
- In-person exams administered during the lecture time in JHN 102
- Various participation assignments: exam reflections, reading assignments, etc.
Specifics about requirements and dropped assignments can be found on the grading policies page.
Additional Resources in Canvas
Course Objectives (Exam Topic List)
Textbook & Materials Information
Course Communication & Contact Info