ALL RESEARCH SERVICES that have a significant cost of provision and for which economic and equitable means of accounting can be established, will have a rate structure developed and implemented. The rates will be uniform for all University users regardless of funding source.
Off-Campus Users
Off-campus users will be charged as follows:
- Shops
- Institutional/academic users will pay UW rate plus current Indirect Cost rate for recharge centers.
- Industrial users will pay 2 times the UW rate plus current Indirect Cost rate for recharge centers.
- Spectral Services
- Institutional and academic users will pay the University cost for operations plus the current indirect cost rate. Staff time will be billed at the normal University rate plus indirect costs. A minimum charge of two hours staff time will be made for each project where the principal instrument operation is performed by personnel from the outside institution.
- Industrial users will pay 2 times the UW cost for operations and staff time for each instrument plus indirect costs. For industrial users, only staff operation of instruments will be permitted.
Use of departmental services is charged to appropriate grants, contracts, or departmental projects.
Chemistry Grant & Contract Funds
Principal Investigators will include appropriate line items in each proposal for services to be utilized by the grant or contract research. Among the categories are:
- Instrument, spectral, or analytical services (for reimbursement of supplies, maintenance, and repair of departmental instruments).
- Shop services (for support of shop personnel to build and/or repair equipment used in connection with the project).