Access to the NMR facility instruments is controlled by UW NetID login. Only users who have completed the training requirements described below are allowed access to the facility instruments. Once a new user completes the training requirements, their UW NetID is authorized to login to the facility instruments and the user may request a key to the facility. Please be aware that there are supplemental training requirements for the GG500, NEO500, and AV800 spectrometers.
The procedure for completing new user training is the same for all incoming users, irrespective of department.
Training for new NMR Facility access- 300 MHz & 700 MHz- REQUIRED
- Use the NMR Facility Calendar to find and register for an upcoming NMR General Training session. Sessions are typically scheduled weekly. Attendance instructions are emailed upon registration. These are currently 90-minute sessions.
- Use the NMR Facility Calendar to find and register for an upcoming NMR Qualifier Training session. Sessions are typically scheduled bi-weekly. Attendance instructions are emailed upon registration. These are 15-minute sessions.
- Attend both sessions. You must attend the General Training session prior to the Qualifier Training session. You will be turned away from Qualifier Training if you have not already attended a General Training session.
- Successfully complete the online NMR Safety Quiz. You will receive an invitation once you have completed the General training session.
- Once you successfully complete the quiz and Qualifier Training session, you will receive a signed key form to turn in for room access and an email regarding your workstation access and links for room and reservation access.
- Should any of the above not work, send an email to either the Facility Manager (Rajan Paranji) or the Associate Manager (Adrienne Roehrich) and schedule participation in a training session.
Training for 500 MHz - NEO500 & GG500
- You must already be in the NMR Facility system, ie completed the entire "new user" training scheme at the 300/700 MHz level first.
- Use the NMR Facility Calendar to find and register for an upcoming 500 MHz training session. Sessions are typically scheduled weekly. Attendance instructions are emailed upon registration. These are currently 30-minute sessions with time to run a sample after.
Obtaining a key to the NMR Facility
- For new access, once a Safety Training session has been attended and a quiz successfully passed, a link to the key form will be emailed from the Associate Manager (Adrienne Roehrich).
- You must obtain the approval of either the NMR Facility Manager or Associate Manager and your supervisor to get key access to the NMR Facility.
- You will receive an email once your Husky card has been activated.
- If you are having difficult accessing BAG 37, please contact Dr. Adrienne Roehrich, and she will direct you on the correct course of action to get your access.
Instrument Reservation Policies
The following NMR spectrometers must be reserved before use: av300, av301, GG500 (Wednesday 10am - Friday 10am), av700, av800, and drx200. Reservations are made using the online instrument reservation calendars. Users are charged for the amount of instrument time reserved assessed in 10-minute increment blocks.
With the exception of the AV800, users can book their own reservations using the link shown above. There are restrictions, which vary by day of week and time of day, as to the permissible length of reservations and how far in the future they can be booked. Details of the reservation restrictions for specific instruments can be seen on the reservation calendars using the above link.
The GG500 instrument is a hybrid walk-on/reservation required instrument. Reservations for dedicated use are available via the GG500 reservation page Wednesday 10am - Friday 10am. The remaining time is a walk-on system without reservation requirement.
The NEO500 instrument is a fully walk-on instrument. No reservation is required or possible! Please check the NEO500 reservation page to see if the NMR Facility Management Team has reserved time for maintenance or other use before arriving with your samples.
Instrument Specific Policies
AV300, AV301, NEO500, GG500, AV700
These instruments are open to all authorized facility users after instrument appropriate training.
Undergraduate lab work has priority on this instrument. For this reason, there are some days during which this instrument may be entirely booked and not available to other users. Please note that the room where this instrument is located is also used for undergraduate lab classes. If a class is in session you MUST wear appropriate lab safety gear (a lab coat and goggles) when entering this room.
Solid state NMR experiments have priority on this instrument. For this reason, the AV700 may be entirely booked and unavailable for other use for periods of several weeks at a time. However, when the instrument is not in use for solid state work, the liquids TXI probe (1H, 13C, 15N) or BBO probe (1H, X) will be installed and ready for general use.
For solutions use, this system is available after completing the 300/700 MHz training scheme above. Solids requires significantly more training. Please contact Adrienne Roehrich to arrange training.
The majority of the time on the AV800 is reserved for a group of bio-molecular chemists who do 2D and 3D experiments. However, regular blocks of time are reserved for other users. These blocks of time occur every two weeks – they start on Monday at 10:30 AM and end on the following Wednesday at 11:00 AM. They are visible on the instrument reservation calendar under the name "Walk on Users". To schedule time on this instrument contact Rajan Paranji. Requests for AV800 time should be made no later than 5:00 PM on the Friday preceding the week when time is available.
Users wanting access to the AV800 need to obtain the signature of their research group PI on an approval form (PDF). Special training is also required before permission is granted to use this instrument. Contact Dr. Rajan Paranji to arrange training.