
The GG500 is located in Bagley 37, as one of the walk-on low field NMR instruments in the facility.  The Avance III console is paired with an Oxford 500 superconducting magnet.


  • Bruker AVANCE III console
  • 1H Frequency: 499.65 MHz
  • VT range: −80°C to +70°C
    • Restrictions: Please see a facility manager for experiment below 0℃. Up to 12 hrs. at max temperature allowed.
  •  Topshim gradient assisted shimming for all samples.
  • Software: Runs on TOPSPIN 3.6.5 and ICONNMR 5.0

Currently installed Probehead

Please see reservation page for installed probe

Other probeheads available:

  • Bruker triple resonance TBI : 1H {13C, X}  with Z-gradient
  • Bruker triple resonance TXO : 13C {1H, 19F} with Z-gradient
  • Bruker triple resonance HCP : 1H { 13C, 31P } with Z-gradient
  • Bruker triple resonance HCN : 1H{ 13C, 15N } with Z-gradient
Date Performed By Probe 1H lineshape on
1% CHCl3 in Acetone-d6
1H lineshape on
1% CHCl3 in Acetone-d6
1H signal-to-noise
on 0.1% Ethylbenzene in CDCl3
13C  signal-to-noise on
40% p-Dioxane in C6D6
(ASTM std)
2024-May-24 AMR iProbe 50% : 0.61
.55% : 11.2
.11% : 23.6
50% : 0.84
.55% : 17.5
.11% : 39.6
428.16 146.69